Title:Chocolate Hearts (AU!Fic) (Oneshot) Author: Dreaminginside Words:3073 Pairings:YeHyuk Warnings: Heavily implied. Disclaimer:LOLNO Rating: PG-13 Summary: There's something about sweets that lets people bond over them, and doe eyed artists that you can feed them to. And in which Hyukjae may or may not have a fetish for chocolate.
Title: Of deaths, crybabies, and vocabularies. Pairing: Yehyuk Rating: PG Genre: Angst, Au, Fluff (Confusing storyline otl) Length: One-shot, 2,620 words Summary: Thank you, for bringing me back alive. A/n: Dedicated to sujuhigh
Title: It's What Friends Do Fic: Super Junior 100 challenge # 68/100 Rating: G Characters: EunHyuk, Kibum, Yesung Prompt: 063: Video Games, Yesung/EunHyuk Disclaimer: Not mine, not true. Summary: Yesung just wants to help. Writer's note: I have been avoiding this. This morning I finally got the idea for something.
Author:sitiisinsane Title:Of Piercings,Haircuts & Confessions. Chapter:(Four)Drabbles Rating:G Disclaimer:I do not own any of the boys!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY kikai_ni_naru !!!I hope you have many many many happy days ahead of you~!I LOVE YOU!(I'm a day early in wishing you XD) This way to your present!
This is to thankkikai_ni_naru for giving me a chance to be the 2nd mod for this awesome community and also for all of you wonderful YeHyuk supporters!Please guide me well~*bows*
Title:Kim Yesung...failure extraodinaire,or not? Author:sitiisinsane Rating:PG-13 Length:Oneshot(1390 words) Summary:Yesung is certain that he fails badly at life. A/N:Yesung needs more love,srsly. Disclaimer:I don't own the boys.